CIEL SBM ITB membantu United in Diversity sebagai penyelenggara program untuk melakukan asesmen dan observasi selama program pengembangan kepemimmpinan berlangsung. Dengan mengembangkan alat asesmen terintegrasi, seperti kuesioner self-assessment, 360 degree, expressive writing, dan observasi kelas, CIEL SBM ITB dapat membantu UID untuk mengukur efektivitas program yang diadakan selama 3 bulan di akhir tahun 2017 tersebut
Great People Managerial Program merupakan program pengembangan kepemimpinan yang diselenggarakan oleh Telkom Corporate University untuk seluruh karyawan PT Telkom dan anak perusahaannya. Program ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kapasitas kepemimpinan karyawan yang berkaitan dengan keterampilan berpikir, keterampilan bisnis, keterampilan organisasi dan keterampilan interpersonal. CIEL SBM ITB diberikan kepercayaan untuk memfasilitasi program ini selama bulan Januari hingga April 2018. CIEL SBM ITB menawarkan variasi pembelajaran dari mulai kuliah interaktif, studi kasus, role play, hingga penggunaan board game sebagai alat bantu belajar
Program workshop satu hari yang diselenggarakan oleh CIEL SBM ITB untuk middle manager di PT Blue Bird Indonesia. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan merancang strategi dan mengeksekusi strategi bagi para manajer di perusahaan Blue Bird. Workshop terdiri atas asesmen organisasi, kuliah interaktif, serta permainan board the Corporate sebagai implementasi execution excellence
Supported by British Embassy and Government of Bandung, Klinik UKM BDG Program focuses on the major issues faced by SMEs, and providing mentoring, intensive and customized training by the expertise on its field as a consultant, mentor, and facilitator, so that SMEs can grow and become a locomotive for Economic Development of Bandung. Currently, Klinik UKM BDG already has 72 participants which divided into 3 main sectors; they are fashion, culinary and craft that came from all over the city of Bandung. The program held from June 2014 until March 2015.
Program activities include survey of SMEs needs, determining treatment for SMEs (mentoring, market access, events and exhibitions link, training, business pitching, entrepreneurs’ community) and also the book making of Klinik UKM BDG. Our book-making process will include curators’ team, editors, designers and proofreaders. The main results we expect from these activities are SMEs will be able to develop and growth, transfer knowledge from our books & videos for those who have not participated on this event yet, and lastly, cooperation with various parties in the future, including providing policy inputs to the government, especially related to the creative industries.